Find internships and jobs through various neurodivergent job boards and services, along with online careers fairs and webinars
You’ll find resources to support you in your career exploration that match your skills and interests. You’ll also find labor market statistics (i.e. salary, outlook, education requirements) on various careers
Looking for insight on entrepreneur pathways. Find some resources and tips in this section
Neurodiversity Career Connector [U.S.]
A collection of employers committed to neurodiversity-focused hiring initiatives. Though we span many industries, we share a belief that organizations thrive when they tap into the unique talents of their employees, and individuals thrive when they can present their best self at work. We strive not only to match neurodivergent job seekers with meaningful jobs but also to provide the training and support needed for career growth and success.
Mentra [U.S.]
Mentra is a neurodivergent-friendly talent platform that intelligently matches neurodiverse individuals with employers that value their strengths. Mentra puts recruiters in front of candidates rather than forcing them to navigate through the challenging process of finding a job. How? Through humantistic AI and community-driven design.
Online Virtual Fairs and Webinars
Cannot find a career fair near you? Nervous about large crowds? An online or virtual fair may work for you.
Upcoming Virtual Career Fairs
Auticon [U.S. & Global Offices]
As a mission-driven company, auticon works to solve the crisis of unemployment impacting autistic adults and counsels clients on neuro-acceptance. auticon's autistic team members are employed as technology consultants specializing in software development, quality assurance and testing, data analysis and more.
Are you on the autism spectrum and looking for a career in technology? You have a good eye for details, can concentrate perseveringly, recognize patterns and errors, or like to analyze questions logically? Whether you are an expert or a beginner: If you are interested in IT, then we should get to know each other.
Exceptional Individuals [United Kingdom]
Our neurodiverse jobs board...
Our neurodiverse jobs! We work with our amazing partners to provide inclusive jobs for neurodiverse people. If you are interested in applying then book a one-to-one coaching session for advice or apply directly via the instructions below, all the organisations below have met our standards to be ND friendly…
Lime Network [U.S. and Canada]
Lime Connect is a global not for profit 501(c)(3) organization that's rebranding disability through achievement. We do that by attracting, preparing, and connecting high potential university students and professionals - including veterans - who happen to have all types of disabilities for scholarships, internships, The Lime Connect Fellowship Program, and full time careers with our corporate partners - the world's leading corporations.
Link OT
Linking talent to opportunity.
Link OT provides multi-faceted support to neurodistinct individuals seeking or sustaining employment or other life goals.
We also partner with employers to improve neuro-inclusive recruitment, hiring, onboarding, integration, and retention/career development practices.
ASPIRING STUDENTS & EMPLOYEES: Link OT, LLC targets individuals aged 18 and up with sensory, neurodevelopmental, and/or learning differences.
Hire Autism
Hire Autism wants to help candidates like you find the right job. By registering with us, you’ll be able to make a unique profile to help you get noticed by our autism-friendly employer partners, search and apply for jobs via our job board, create personalized job alerts, and request free, one-on-one virtual assistance.
The Spectrum Careers
Job Seekers: Find the right job on The Spectrum Careers. Use videos and pictures to build your resume and find job postings that utilize them as well.
SourceAbled is Rangam’s autism, neurodiversity, and disability hiring solution providing a collaborative, holistic framework designed to develop people, create inclusionary processes, and foster a culture of belonging.
[VIDEO] Watch this video to become aware of the ground reality of employable individuals with autism in the United States and how two pioneering organizations have c...
disABLEDperson, Inc.
We work with employers who have a strong desire to hire qualified applicants with diverse backgrounds. Apply today for a great opportunity to work for a company that is committed to hiring individuals with disabilities.
Goodwill Community Foundation Job Search Free Tutorials
With these job search tutorials, you’ll learn effective strategies for approaching and conducting a job search by exploring the best methods for networking and looking for a job online.
Job Search and Networking: In this free tutorial, get useful tips and strategies for networking and finding a job.
Job Applications: In this free tutorial, learn useful strategies for applying to jobs and standing out from the crowd of applicants.
What do you want to do for a living? (O*NET Online)
Search careers with key words
Browse careers by industry - There are over 900 career options for you to look at.
Tell us what you like to do - Answer questions about the type of work you might enjoy. We'll suggest careers that match your interests and training.
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Arm yourself with the best resources from BLS before choosing a career:
LinkedIn Economic Graph
Insight into a rapidly changing economy: Jobs and skills data from LinkedIn's Economic Graph can help policymakers make informed decisions and chart new paths to economic opportunity.
These insights are drawn from LinkedIn's Economic Graph, which is based on global data that includes: members, companies, jobs, skills, & schools.
If you are a writer, graphic designer, web researcher or any other freelancer (or a client hiring such a freelancer) who doesn’t know how to create a freelance contract, you can answer several questions below and we’ll generate a personalized contract.
Self-employment and internet-based creative collectives:
Employment opportunity for adults on the spectrum, as for all adults. The internet is opening all new internet-based platforms to showcase the works of adults with autism who are painters, artists, musicians, writers and photographers:
Consulting services to families and professionals to create meaningful self-employment focused on the strengths and interests of the JobCreator.
To empower and connect individuals within the autism community through participation in the Arts.
A community of talented creative writers, artists and musicians on the Autism spectrum.
Musings of an Aspie | Self-employed Aspie
“Although the four parts that make up this series are focused on self-employment or freelancing, I think some of the information about identifying strengths and challenges is applicable in any employment setting, so hopefully those of you who aren’t interested in the self-employment aspect will still find something useful here.” -Cynthia Kim
Part 1: The Self-Employed Aspie
Part 2: The Challenges of Being a Self-Employed Aspie
Part 3: Pros and Cons of Being Self-employed When You’re on the Spectrum
Part 4: Starting a Business Aspie Style (or What They’ll Never Tell You in Business School)